Willmar Police Department Canine Unit Please Vote!

Here is a pretty cool thing that can help out the Canine program for Willmar PD.

Most people know my heart will always be with the canine programs.  It was the best years of my service to my community.  So, take a minutes and click on the website and the video.   Thank you!


Go to this link and vote:       http://www.aftermath.com/k9-grant/





Aftermath sees firsthand how important K9 units are to local communities. The Aftermath K9 Grant is a way for us to showcase, support, and reward the unique contributions made by K9 dogs and officers across the country. The grant has helped many law enforcement departments purchase safety equipment, fund training, and most recently, it helped the Alamogordo Police Department of New Mexico realize a fallen officer’s dream of building the department’s first ever K9 unit.